Frequently Asked Questions
We have put together this FAQ page to answer the most frequently asked questions we receive, so you can get back to playing your game!
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Game Play
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Building Walls
Can you re-build a Wall after its corresponding tower has been destroyed?
Yes. As long as you have a Brick card and a Mortar card, you can rebuild any Wall, regardless of the presence or absence of the corresponding tower.
Moving Monsters
What happens when two Monsters move into the same space in the Castle ring at the same time? Two Monsters won’t fit in one space.
If two or more Monsters occupy the same space in the Castle ring, they should be stacked, one on top of the other. It doesn’t matter which Monster is on top. They will stay stacked as they move clockwise through the Castle ring and any of them can be attacked.
If the last Monster in the game is destroyed when it moves into the last Tower, is that a win, a loss, or a tie?
Since the players can win only by playing through all the Monsters with at least 1 Tower remaining intact, that outcome would be a loss.
Drawing New Monsters
When drawing the 2 Monster tokens, should you draw one and resolve it and then draw and resolve the second or draw them both and choose which one to resolve first?
You can draw both tokens at the same time, but you should flip them over and resolve them one at a time, resolving the first token before you flip and resolve the second one.
When your first drawn Monster token has you draw more Monster tokens, does it matter whether you resolve the new tokens before you turn over your second token?
You should add the new tokens to the end of your original draw. In other words, turn over and resolve your second original token before you resolve the newly added tokens.
When the Goblin King is drawn, are the 3 other drawn tokens placed into the same space as the Goblin King (if they are Monsters)?
No. When you draw the 3 new Monsters, they should be placed just like regular Monster tokens. Roll the die, and place them in the Forest ring space that matches the number rolled.
Playing Cards
Can you play a card, Scavenge it, and play it again, all in the same turn?
Yes, you may play Scavenge to retrieve a card that you just played, and play that card again. Technically, you are still in the “Play cards” phase of your turn, so that is entirely legal. Plus, it’s a great way to do some serious damage.
If you have cards in your hand that you cannot play, (such as a Red Archer with no Monsters in that ring, or Brick without Mortar) can you play those cards just to discard them?
No, you can discard only 1 card on your turn during the “Discard and Draw” phase. Otherwise, you can play a card only if playing the card has an effect. The only exception to that rule is the “Missing” card, which can still be played even if there are no Monster tokens left to draw.
Giant Boulders
When I draw a Giant Boulder, do I roll for it and place it in the forest like a regular Monster?
No, Boulders are not placed in the Forest at all. Instead, you roll to determine which arc the Boulder starts in. The Boulder immediately travels within that arc straight across the board toward the arc on the opposite side of the board. Boulders destroy any Monsters in their path and do not stop until they hit and destroy a Wall, Tower, or Fortify token. See page 10 in the rulebook for an illustration of how Boulders work.
“A Man’s Home Is His Castle” Version
If I’m playing a game with fewer than 6 players, what happens to those leftover towers that no one is connected with?
Those towers are essentially extra. If they are destroyed, no one is removed from the game. Another way to play this variant if you have fewer than 6 players is to treat the unclaimed towers as “Reserves” and use them as fallback positions. If a player’s claimed tower is destroyed, rather than being out of the game, he or she may choose one of these Reserve towers and continue playing with the new tower as their own. However, once all the Reserve towers are taken, any player that loses his or her tower is out of the game at that point.
What if my tower was destroyed and I was out, but the other players were able to win the game. Can I still count my Monster tokens for victory points?
Sorry, you add up points only if you survive until the end.
“Overlord” Version
Is the Overlord counted as 1 of the 6 maximum players or apart? That is, can 7 players play the game, 1 as the Overlord?
You can play the game with 6 Castle players and 1 Overlord, making the Overlord the 7th player. Six players is still the maximum for either a Standard or Co-op variation, though.
When 5 players and 1 Overlord are playing, can the “human” players exchange 6 cards among them or only when there are 6 “human” players?
The Castle players are still limited to the same hand size and number of trades that they would be for a game with the same number of “human” players. In the example above, each player would have a hand size of 5 and would be able to trade 1 card per turn.
If the Overlord plays the Goblin King, does he have to play the three tokens which come with him or can he play any other token from his hand?
The Overlord can play any token from his or her hand after drawing up. When the Overlord draws any token that lets him or her draw more tokens (such as the Goblin King, Draw 3 Monster tokens, or Draw 4 Monster tokens), he or she adds that number of tokens to his or her hand. The Overlord can then play that same number of tokens, and those tokens can be ANY tokens from his or her hand. It doesn’t have to be the tokens that were just drawn.
When the Overlord plays a Boss Monster, does the Overlord have to roll to place that Monster? The description of each Boss Monster specifically begins with the “roll for placement” step.
The Overlord has his/her own rules for placing Monsters, which overrides the normal placement rules in the Standard or Co-op game. On his/her turn, the Overlord can always choose to either place 1 Monster in any arc of the Forest ring as they wish or place 2 Monsters randomly with die rolls. This means the Overlord can choose to place a Boss Monster anywhere, but that will be the only Monster placed on that turn. The only exception to that rule is if the Overlord is placing a Boss Monster as one of multiple Monster tokens due to playing a Draw 3 Monster tokens, Draw 4 Monster tokens, or Goblin King token. In that case the Boss Monster, like all the tokens played that way, must be placed randomly by rolling the die.
Can the Overlord choose not to play any tokens on their turn?
No. The Overlord must always play at least 1 monster token.