
Fireside Games is Hiring!

Do you like board games? Do you like working in a creative and collaborative environment? We're looking to expand the Fireside team with a few new positions!
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How to Play The Village Crone – Videos!

Official How to Play videos for The Village Crone are now up on our YouTube Channel. Learn to play the game and watch the break-out videos for Movement & Scattering, Casting Spells, and Witch's Schemes.
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Ghosts, Witches, and a History Lesson – Tour Schemes Completed

Ghost Tours and Witch Memorials - Justin & Anne-Marie complete 3 points worth of Tour Schemes towards their 13 point goal. Read on to see photos and videos of these Schemes.
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Knight Moves Cafe, Pandemonium Books, & Compleat Strategist Boston

The first few stops on the Something Wicked tour were a blast. Thank you, Knight Moves Cafe, Pandemonium Books, & Compleat Strategist Boston for evenings of spell-casting goodness.
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Special Tour Schemes for Justin & Anne-Marie!

Follow along as Anne-Marie & Justin try to complete their own set of Tour Schemes during the Something Wicked Tour for The Village Crone! Will they score the 13 points they need to be victorious?
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Get ready for The Village Crone! Releasing September 30

The Village Crone is on its way! We're starting the Something Wicked tour this week, and it will be in game stores everywhere in a few weeks. Make sure you have all the latest news and information...
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