
The Dark Titan Cometh Tour Begins!

Our first stop on The Dark Titan Cometh Tour was Shep's Games in Aurora, CO. The Castle defenders got a work-out battling Agranok and his horde of new Monsters. Get a look at the new expansion in action!
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2014: A Year In Review

It was hard to pick from all the great happenings this year, but we managed to narrow it down and make our list of the Top 5 Highlights of 2014.
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Castle Panic Snowflake Pattern – FREE Download!

Add a little Castle Panic to your holiday. This is our gift to you. Download a FREE PDF snowflake pattern designed by us just for you!
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“The Dark Titan Cometh” Tour Dates

In 2015 we're hitting the streets to herald the coming of The Dark Titan. See the full tour schedule to see if we'll be in YOUR neighborhood!
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Ask Fireside – Our Favorite Holiday Traditions

Want to get to know us a little better? Our staff shares their favorite holiday traditions from childhood and as adults. Share your favorites in the comments!
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Happy Holidays from Castle Panic

See what happens in the after hours when the Monsters are left to their own devices.
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