Here, Kitty, Kitty!


Here, Kitty, Kitty! is a game of obsessive cat collection. Use cards to lure cats onto your property, move them into your house, and steal cats from your neighbors as you vie to be the craziest cat person on your street!

designed by Kris McCardel Ware

Here Kitty Kitty Play Icons

“It really is a joy to play. Buy this game.”
—Internet vs. Wallet


“Playing the  game drew laughs and knowing looks from all  the cat owners in the group.”
—Cardcore Gamer


“4 out of 4 cans of tuna.”
—Troy Stegner, El Paso Herald Post


“It is a family friendly, light-hearted game for adults and children that will keep everyone coming back to the table for more.”
—Tricia Victor, Golden Distribution


“This one really is the cat’s meow.”
—Third Eye Games


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In Here, Kitty, Kitty!, your neighborhood has a cat problem!

The problem is that all those cats don’t belong to YOU! Everyone in the neighborhood wants to claim those adorable kitties for themselves.

Outwit your fellow feline fanatics as you lure cats onto your property, move cats into your house, and steal cats from your neighbors. All’s fair in love and cat collecting!

Use your “Catlike Reflexes” to avoid “Stray Dogs” and “Hairballs,” and you might just “Land on Your Feet!”


  • 1 Rulebook
  • 6 Property Boards
  • 51 Game Cards
  • 40 Cats (10 each of 4 colors)
  • 6 Scoring Reference Cards

Learn How to Play

Download a copy of the RULES for Here, Kitty, Kitty! (1.10 Mb PDF)

Get a printable score sheet for Here, Kitty, Kitty! (1.0 MB PDF)

Get the Promo

A purple game card titled "Milkshake" with cartoon cats lapping up a spilled drink


Get the Pin

Here, Kitty, Kitty Pin

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 7 × 2 in


  1. Colin Brown

    I really enjoyed this game. It contains some of the mechanics of a “Take That!” sort of game, but with a lighter tone so I can play it with my 10 year old without cringing. There are MANY different paths to scoring points, so you have to keep your wits about you… I lost to the 10 year old by a single point.

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