Remnants Review Roundup

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The reviews for Remnants are coming in, and people are really enjoying the real-time dice-rolling in this post-apocalyptic world! But we’ll let them do the talking. We’ve pulled out a summary quote from each review and followed it up with a link to the full review for your perusal. Enjoy!


“Remnants provides an excellent tabletop experience. Looting and scavenging are well designed, and the addition of managing and recruiting specialist survivors is very welcome. There’s enough here to feel crunchy and deep without being overwhelming.”

­–Everything Board Games


“For fans of delicious decisions, there is a lot of thought and planning required. [. . .] It is still early in our plays, but Remnants is my favorite Fireside Game so far. Remnants has a great theme, good artwork, and two of my favorite mechanisms (real time dice-rolling and card purchase from a market) done well. The tension from building up your compound to withstand the attacks every other round is palpable, and the end game is very satisfying. Throw in the competitive point scoring, and this hits a lot of marks for me.”

­–Board Game Gumbo


“You go from frantic dice rolling to calm tactical decision making regularly, which was thrilling to me and actually made the theme a little more immersive.”

–Gaming With Swag


“Remnants is a very good game that I absolutely can recommend if you hit 2 to 4 players routinely. [. . .] I’m going to be keeping it, it’s going to be going onto my shelf. Easy to learn, easy to teach, overall, very good game.”

– Bower’s Game Corner


“I enjoyed this game. It was easy enough rules wise that I could pick it up on the run, but it was challenging enough that I had to take some serious moments considering my actions. I’m pretty happy to play this game and I think that Fireside has done a good job at making a more serious game. [. . .] I think with the mechanic additions, and the great post-apocalyptic setting it’ll be a great addition to anyone’s board game closet.”

–The Nblogcollective


“I dig the juggling of trying to grab VPs while doing your best to build a compound which will withstand and take down the baddies. 8.5”

–Jeff McAleer, The Gaming Gang


Remnants is fun to play.  I enjoyed the tension of trying to scavenge the materials I needed to pursue my strategy, and alternating between building up my outpost and preparing for the next attack (with those attacks getting stronger as the game goes on) kept things interesting.”



Unboxing video by the Dice Tower:

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