Our last store visit in Colorado was to Adventurer’s Quarter in Arvada, a fun town with a variety of shops and “small town” feel to it. After stopping at the Grandview Tavern and Grill for some pre-game fuel, we headed down the street to Adventurer’s Quarter to get setup for the big demo.
Within minutes we had our first game up and running. Veterans of the base game were eager to dive in and see what all the fuss was about!
Surviving the initial wave of Monsters is always key and though they lost a few walls, they held fast and hunkered down for the next wave. Agranok made an early appearance and quickly made his way to the Castle, smashing Towers to dust as he advanced.
Things were getting tense, when a well-played “Drive Him Back” saved the last few towers and gave the players a chance to finish the Dark Titan off with a slew of Archers, Knights, and Swordsmen. Battered, but not beaten, our heroes fought on finally bringing down the last Monster with 2 Towers still standing, for a rousing victory!
The next group was waiting in the wings and gathered at the table for what would be the most nail-biting game of the night. This time, in addition to new players, we even had a few familiar faces from our demo at the Haunted Game Cafe join in to help! Despite a strong start, things soon went bad as Agranok arrived with a rush of Monsters and pushed to crush the Castle.

Agranok was wounded and then hit with a Nice Shot card, and finally finished off by a suicidal charge from the brave Cavalier, but not before he had smashed our player’s defenses to splinters. A lone Monster worked his way into the broken Castle and was 1 space away from the final tower.
The last player drew up to his full hand, desperate for a card that would work in the Castle ring . . . no luck, he discarded a useless card and drew . . . the Barbarian! The entire store rang with the cheers from our table as we lived to fight another day! There were several more close calls before the game was over, but in the end the final Monster fell and the lone surviving Tower stood as a symbol of victory!

We had one more game that night with a fan who arrived late and that ended in a close, well fought victory as well. In the end, the gamers of Adventurer’s Quarter were all victorious and sent the Dark Titan crawling back to where he came!
Our thanks to the crew at AQ for helping us put on a great event! The next appearance is an unscheduled stop at Genghis Con XXXVI! Thanks to our friends at The Wizard’s Chest, Justin will be at a table outside the vendor hall this Saturday from 10 to 6! Come by the Radisson in Aurora to check out all the great events, vendors, and maybe try your hand at taking on the Dark Titan yourself!