Dragons and Dark Titans

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Monday night we headed to Dragon’s Keep in Lehi, Utah. This was the second to last stop in Utah on The Dark Titan Cometh Tour.


The first game played was Castle Panic with The Dark Titan and our team of heroes trounced Agranok quite nicely, without having to Banish a single card and only losing 3 Towers on the way!

The next game included both expansions and definitely kept our players on their toes. Early in the game, a lucky boulder destroyed the Wizard’s Tower, leaving our players to face down the horde of Monsters with no magical aid. At one point, the Basilisk and Warlock were on the table together causing no shortage of chaos. Towers were lost and MANY Walls were rebuilt, but at the end of the battle 2 lonely Towers still stood and victory was claimed!

Overall, it was a quiet night, which gave us plenty of time to visit with our fans as well as with John, the store manager. We talked about the making of The Dark Titan as well as what makes Dead Panic and Munchkin Panic so different from Castle Panic before packing up and heading home for the night.

Our final stop in Utah will be at the Game Haven in Tooele this Thursday the 12th from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. If you haven’t made it out to play The Dark Titan and grab a promo card, this will be your last chance in Utah, so we hope to see you there!

Take a look inside Dragon’s Keep in Lehi in Anne-Marie’s video of this visit: