Our store visit to the Game Haven in Bountiful, Utah, just happened to coincide with one of the bigger Winter Storm Warnings we’ve seen on this trip. The rules for The Dark Titan don’t say that Agranok has any weather-control abilities, but we’re starting to have our doubts. We loaded our gear into the store as the snow began to fall and dried off before getting set up.
It turned out to be a quiet evening because of the storm with only 1 full demo played, but we got to meet several fans and even make a few new ones while we were at the store. The Game Haven in Bountiful is a pretty cool shop with tons of tables for playing, a demo game library that is literally overflowing with games to try, and even a full coffee bar that sells food. The coffee shop is named Battle Grounds, which we found quite amusing. Check out the video Anne-Marie shot for a cool tour of the place.
When players did arrive we were able to get a full game of 6 players started, and they jumped right in to The Wizard’s Tower–The Dark Titan combo game. Things started out good with a few quick slays and lots of wounding, but before too long a lucky boulder took out the Wizard’s Tower itself. Our heroes were left with just a few Wizard cards in hand and no chance of rebuilding the Tower. Still, our group was unphased.

They made great use of the Cavalier and even managed to use the Phoenix to light a ton of other Monsters on fire. Arrows flew and swords clashed, but when a Level 4 Agranok, the Dark Sorceress, and the Necromancer all appeared at once, it was too much for our heroes. The last Tower fell under the thundering assault.

We stuck around and talked with several other customers after the game wrapped up. Justin even signed a few copies of Castle Panic for fans both new and old. It made for a fun evening before braving the snow and heading home. Special thanks to Charity for making us feel so welcome during our visit!
Your next chance to catch The Dark Titan Cometh Tour will be Wednesday, March 4th, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Game Night Games in Salt Lake City!