April Events — Where to Play Our Games

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Where to play April 2016

Our games will be featured at the following events this month in Game Libraries, Demos, and Play-to-Win Events thanks to our partners with the Envoy Program from Double Exposure.

The games available to play at each event may vary, please consult the individual conventions for details.

Who’s Yer Con* Bloomington, IN 4/1–4/3
Tric-Con Spring* Sioux City, IA 4/1/–4/3
MEGA Spring Meltdown Derby Line, VT 4/2
Emerald City Comic Con* Seattle, WA 4/7–4/10
GameFest* Denver, CO 4/11–4/13
Greenhill Ultimate Brain Race** Addison, TX 4/17
LexiCon* Lexington, KY 4/22–4/24
MEPACON* Scranton, PA 4/22–4/24
BABSCon** Burlingame, CA 4/22–4/24
PretzCon* Omaha, NE 4/29–5/1
CharCon Bonus Round* Flatwoods, WV 4/30–5/1

* Play-to-Win
** Library

Review Round-Up for Here, Kitty, Kitty!

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Here, Kitty, Kitty! Review round-up

here kitty kitty game coverTomorrow you’ll be able to get your own copy of Here, Kitty, Kitty! at a game store near you. And it is already getting high praise. Let the early reviewers tell you what they love about it and convince you to adopt one of your very own!

The artwork and theme win big with this one. Of course, you probably already guessed that, since who can resist a bunch of adorable kitties?

“It’s silly fun and the artwork on the cards is really excellent…” says Go Fatherhood.

I love the artwork. This game pulls no punches on any of the humor,” raves Rick Perez of Let’s Level Up. “The artwork in this game is tremendously humorous. There are just so many funny cards that I just got a good chuckle at, which I think should be commended because I think that the artwork is fantastic.”

What about game play? This game is so much more than just a pretty face. While it is simple to learn, there is a depth to the game that leaves players desiring another go to hone their strategies and grow their hoard of kitties.

GeekDad declares, “Here, Kitty, Kitty! is a fun little family game. It’s easy to learn and plays quickly.

“We all had a great time with this fast, simple game, so much so that when we finished, they immediately both asked for us to play a second game,” comments Go Fatherhood reviewer, Dave Taylor, about playing this game with his kids.

Tricia Victor from Golden Distribution was delighted by the added intricacy in the game. “My favorite part of Here, Kitty, Kitty! was the depth of strategy that was involved… It was fascinating to watch everyone’s strategy to obtain kittens evolve from one game to the next. Here, Kitty, Kitty! is competitive without anyone realizing how much movement, placement & area control happens with the neighborhood cats.”

Let’s Level Up agrees, “There’s plenty of room to be strategic, both on the offensive side and the defensive side, and there are a lot of important decisions that you make while you’re choosing your two actions. There are a lot of opportunities to think outside of the box.”

Here, Kitty, Kitty! is simple to learn, and will be a great filler or light game for your next game night. You can play it with an emphasis “…good old fashioned fun…” (InternetvsWallet), or take it a little more seriously like Perez did, “If you’re a fan of ‘take-that’ games, Here, Kitty, Kitty! is amazing in that regard.”

Final Verdict

Well, we’ll just let them tell you…
“…a fantastically fun game… I think it’s fabulous and ‘purrrfect.‘” – Rick Perez, Let’s Level Up
“It is a family friendly, lighthearted game… that will keep everyone coming back to the table for more.” – Tricia Victor, Golden Distribution
Buy this game. You and your family will love it.” – Internet vs Wallet
“Definitely recommended and a game I’m sure will move onto the active shelf.” – Go Fatherhood
“It’s easy to learn, appropriate for families, and features adorable plastic miniature cats.” – Ryan Morgenegg, Deseret News
“… it is AWESOME!.. this one really is the cat’s meow…” – Third Eye Games

You can watch Let’s Level Up’s full video review below, or choose any of the links above to view the full reviews shared in this article.


Here, Kitty, Kitty! FREE Demos at a Store Near You!

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here kitty kitty box facing left


Here, Kitty, Kitty! is coming to a store near you on April 1! No fooling’!

Want to hone your cat-hoarding skills? Check out one of the stores participating in our official launch event with FREE demos on April 2 and 3 from our partners with the Envoy program.

Below is a list of the stores that have signed on to host demos. Please contact the store directly for demo times:

Participating Stores

Dragon’s Keep Gaming Room                   Fayetteville, AR
Game Castle                                                  Santa Clara, CA
Crit Castle Games                                        Aurora, CO
Legacy Cards Comics, Games, & More    New London, CT
Emerald City                                                 Clearwater, FL
The Adventure Game Store                        Davie, FL
Tyche’s Games                                              Athens, GA
Other Realms Ltd                                         Honolulu, HI
The Armchair Adventurer                          Honolulu, HI
Secret Door Games                                      Elkhart, IN
The Game Annex                                          Fort Wayne, IN
A+ Comics and Games                                Lexington, KY
Modern Myths                                              Northampton, MA
Play More Games                                         Gaithersburg, MD
All About Games                                           Belfast, ME
Acropolis Games                                           Adrian, MI
The Loaded Die                                             Ferndale, MI
Highlander Games                                       Minneapolis, MN
Dark Knight Gaming (Southern Geek Fest)    Long Beach, MS
Red Door Games                                           Richlands, NC
Hobbytown USA                                           Lincoln, NE
Arcana Toys, Games, & Hobbies               Washington, NJ
Elite Battlegrounds                                       Green Brook, NJ
Fallout Shelter                                               Highland Park, NJ
Alterniverse                                                    Hyde Park, NY
Legendary Realms Games                             Plainview, NY
Diversions Gaming & Hobby                      Newbury, OH
Old School Gaming                                       Toledo, OH
Recess                                                              North Olmsted, OH
Game HQ                                                        Oklahoma City, OK
Six Feet Under                                               New Holland, PA
The Temple Games                                       Pawtucket, RI
Blockhouse Games & Comics                     Mansfield, TX
Mage’s Sanctum                                            Austin, TX
Roll2Play                                                        Coppell, TX
The Gathering Place                                     San Angelo, TX
The Island Games                                         Centreville, VA

Your favorite local game store not on the list? Ask if they received one of our exclusive Launch Kits for access to the special Milkshake promo card. You can also encourage them to participate in future new release events throughout the year. They can contact our Marketing team to get details.

Here, Kitty, Kitty! has been getting a lot of positive buzz lately, watch our blog for a review round up coming later this week.

FREE Bears! Demos in stores for Release of Second Edition

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Bears! second edition box cover


The Second Edition of Bears! is now available at stores across the country! To celebrate this and help you and your friends get up and playing faster, we are partnering with the Envoy program to bring in-store demos to a store near you!

Below is a list of the stores that have signed on to host demos (listed by State). Please contact the store directly to get demo times:

Dragon’s Keep Gaming Room                      Fayetteville, AR
It’s Your Move Games & Hobbies               Oakland, CA
Crit Castle Games                                           Aurora, CO
Elm City Games                                              New Haven, CT
Labyrinth Games & Puzzles                         Washington, DC
The Adventure Game Store                          Davie, FL
Other Realms Ltd                                           Honolulu, HI
The Armchair Adventurer                            Honolulu, HI
Gameopolis                                                      Idaho Falls, ID
Cat and Mouse Games                                   Chicago, IL
Red Raccoon Games                                      Bloomington, IL
Better World Books                                        Goshen, IN
GameQuest                                                       Fort Wayne, IN
Secret Door Games                                         Elkhart, IN
Hero Complex Games & Entertainment    Wichita, KS
A+ Comics and Games                                   Lexington, KY
Play More Games                                            Gaithersburg, MD
Acropolis Games                                             Adrian, MI
The Loaded Die                                               Ferndale, MI
Highlander Games                                         Minneapolis, MN
Dark Knight Gaming (CoastCon)                Long Beach, MS
Red Door Games                                             Richlands, NC
Your Local Game Store                                  Matthews, NC
Hobbytown USA                                             Lincoln, NE
Arcana Toys, Games, & Hobbies                 Washington, NJ
Alterniverse                                                     Hyde Park, NY
Dragon Snack Games                                    Buffalo, NY
Legendary Realms Games                            Plainview, NY
Play the Game, Read the Story                    Syracuse, NY
Old School Gaming                                        Toledo, OH
Recess                                                               North Olmstead, OH
Zimm’s Realm                                                 Ada, OK
Guardian Games                                             Portland, OR
The Temple Games                                         Pawtucket, RI
Roll2Play                                                          Coppell, TX
The Island Games                                           Centreville, VA
Pegasus Games                                                Madison, WI

Your favorite local game store not on the list? Let them know we will be offering these in-store demos throughout the year with each new release and they can participate in future events. They can contact our Marketing team to get details.

Will you be playing along at home? Download Bears! score sheets and scoring reminder cards!


scoring reminder cards in Bears!

Star Trek™ Panic® Coming May 2016!

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Star Trek™ Panic® will launch in May 2016 and we couldn’t be more excited about this partnership with USAopoly to take Panic boldly where no Panic has gone before!

We’ve been keeping this hush-hush as all the details were finalized and now we can’t wait until May to defend the Enterprise and play as Spock or Captain Kirk!

Check out the official announcement from our friends at USAopoly for more details:

Star Trek™ Panic® Launching In May 2016!

star-trek-panic-3d-box-leftStar Trek™ Panic® will be available only in the US and Canada. Retailers and distributors will order this product through USAopoly’s product lines.

PANIC and the PANIC logo are registered trademarks of Fireside Games®. © 2016 by Fireside Games.
TM & © 2016 CBS. ARR.


Dastardly Dirigibles Coming Summer 2016!

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Dastardly Dirigibles cover

Happy Birthday, Jules Verne! In honor of a man whose imagination and fantastical inventions on the page have inspired amazing technologies to be born in the real world, we are excited to announce another new release coming your way in 2016! Dastardly Dirigibles are coming to airspace near you this summer.


Professor Phineas Edmund Hornswoggle, famed airship builder, is retiring and you are an engineer competing to inherit the Hornswoggle factory!

Build your airship from different parts of 9 beautiful suits. Each time a part is added, ALL players MUST add the SAME part–which may replace an existing one. dastardly-dirigibles-3D-box-left

Use Special cards to your advantage or to thwart your opponents. The round ends when the first airship is complete. But you score only the suit used most in your airship. The player with the highest score after 3 rounds wins!

Dastardly Dirigibles is a game full of surprises and visual delights. The tarot-sized cards feature gorgeous Steampunk artwork. You will have a hard time choosing a favorite airship suit! This card game will hit stores in July 2016. It plays in an hour, accommodates 2–5 players, ages 8 and up, and has an MSRP of $19.95.

Dastardly Dirigibles joins Bears! and Here, Kitty, Kitty! as part of our line of fun, friendly competitive games priced $25 and under.

Share our official press release with your favorite mad scientist or engineer!

3D Printer Files for The Village Crone

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The Village Crone cover

Happy Holidays! If you received a copy of The Village Crone for Christmas, you might be interested to know we have created 3D printer files for all the components in the game that you can download for FREE for a limited time!

Download the 3D Printer files for The Village Crone components

PLEASE NOTE: Some printing services and/or programs may require you to enter the dimensions for the item to be printed. Please consult the ReadMe.txt file included in the download for a chart of proportional dimensions for all the pieces to fit your game appropriately.

Castle Panic Downloads Pack!

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Castle Panic oracle

We’ve been compiling a nice array of downloadable accessories for the Castle Panic fan in your life and now we have finally put them all together in one place!

You can click on the “Download the Pack!” button below to enhance your Castle Panic experience.

But what is included? We’re so glad you asked!



The Oracle – Remember those “cootie catcher thingies” from grade school? We made one that gives you some added player interaction to pull out when playing the game. Print it out, fold it up, and Presto! you have your own Castle Panic Companion Oracle.



Master Slayer Tracker – We put this together for International TableTop Day, but you can use it all year to keep track of who has been the Master Slayer the most times or with the most points. It’s a great way to settle arguments over who won the last time. Provided in color and in black and white.


Monster & Hero Coloring Pages – These will keep the kiddos busy when you need a little quite time before you break out the game for an evening of Monster slaying. It’s a great way to include younger players who aren’t quite old enough for the game yet.

Castle Panic Snowflake photo


Castle Snowflake Template – Who says gaming can’t be festive for the holidays? Use the template to make a few strategic scissor cuts (under supervision for the little ones, of course!) and watch the magic unfold to reveal a snowflake made of towers and walls with a token surprise in the middle!



download-the-pack-button (2.4MB PDF)

If you have an idea for a printable accessory, let us know! We’re always looking for fun ways to add to your gaming experience.

Let Fireside Games help you bring fun ho-ho-home this holiday season!

German Language Castle Panic

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Box cover of German language version of Castle Panic

Back in October Castle Panic made its German language debut at Spiel Essen. We received some images of this version (published by Pegasus Spiele under license) and thought it would be fun to share them with you.


The tokens don’t come pre-punched, so if you like punching out your own bits and pieces you would enjoy this version. The board and box are also slightly larger than the English version to fit Pegasus Spiele’s standard box size.


It is fun to see the cards in a different language, as well. A little strange, but definitely cool.


What other languages would you like to see Castle Panic published in? If you are interested in a copy of the German language version, you will have to look for German retailer. It doesn’t appear to be available through online sales.

2015 Holiday Gaming Recommendations

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2015 Holiday Gaming Guide

2015-holiday-gaming-headerThe weather outside can be as frightful as it wants to be when you have hours of entertainment at your fingertips (and no, we aren’t talking about your smartphone).

‘Tis the season for gathering with family and friends and being thankful for the time you have with them. What better way to engage with those you love than over a board game?

Here is a brand new list of gaming recommendations for you to share with your nearest and dearest this Thanksgiving and on through the holiday season.

2015 Holiday Gaming Recommendations

the-resistance-game1. The Resistance – Indie Boards & Cards
Great for larger groups, this game of deduction and sabotage can accommodate 5-10 players. Work together to complete missions while trying to discover the spies hiding in your midst. This one was an alternate for last year’s list and is always brought up when we talk to other gamers, so you know it has to be good!

chopstick-dexterity-mega-challenge-30002. Chopstick Dexterity Mega Challenge 3000 – MayDay Games
Play it like a Japanese Game Show for the maximum fun. Flip a token, find out what shape and color you are vying for, and try to move all the matching pieces from the main bowl into yours using only your mad chopstick skills. Get a family member to commentate and let the chopsticks fly!

the-village-crone-game3. The Village Crone – Fireside Games
Slinging spells around the dinner table seems like a fun way to spend the holidays. This one is ideal for the families who love telling stories. It can be played with up to 6 players, so no one gets left out. Command your Familiars, collect your Ingredients, and compete to be the town witch. You might just find yourself making up little spells for all the dishes you cook up.

graveyards-ghosts-haunted-houses-game4. Graveyards, Ghosts, & Haunted Houses – Rather Dashing Games
Create the board as you lay your tiles trying to connect the longest run of your color and thwarting the other players’s paths. Watch out for the special tiles that let players rearrange the layout or the tokens that can block your path. This one is a mind puzzle, so you might want to lay off the eggnog while playing.

hanabi-game5. Hanabi – R&R Games
Put your communication skills to the test in this cooperative game. Work with the other players to put on the best fireworks display by playing your cards in proper order. The catch? You can’t see your own cards. You must take clues from other players to lay the right card or watch your chances of winning go up in smoke!

lanerns-harvest-festival-game6. Lanterns: The Harvest Festival – Renegade Games
Compete to be the most honored artisan at the Lantern Festival by laying tiles to create the best display. Lay your tiles strategically to earn bonuses or block other players. This one plays in 30 minutes, so it’s perfect while you wait for the turkey to settle before digging into some pie.

space-cadets-dice-duel-game7. Space Cadets: Dice Duel – Stronghold Games
Picking sides at the holidays is always tricky, but add in the threat of annihilation and it gets downright frantic! In Space Cadets, you must protect your spaceship from the other team by performing your crew member tasks and launching counter attacks. There are no civilized turns in this game, just instinctive action to survive. Get in the spirit with your best Star Wars jokes.

codenames-game8. Codenames – Czech Games
Work in teams to decipher the clues and claim the right words on the grid for your team. Choose wisely or you may uncover the other team’s words for them. This one’s really popular this year so if you don’t already have a copy, you might have to wait and break this one out at Christmas after the next print run arrives in early December (we asked).

splendor-game9. Splendor – Asmodee
Strategy is the key in this game of Renaissance reputation. Collect chips and cards to expand your gem mines and shops all to increase your prestige and become the most prominent purveyor of jewels. This one has won many awards and is fairly easy to pick up for those non-gamers in your crowd.

double-feature-game10. Double Feature – Renegade Games
This one’s for the cinephiles and pop culture junkies. Earn points by naming a movie that marries the themes from two different cards. One round you might have to name a movie that involves “Gorillas” and “New York” and the next you might have to name a “Black and White” “Cowboy” movie. You’ll have fun and you might even discover some new Must Watch movies.

There are so many great games out there, we’re sure we’ve missed a few you would have added to the list. Tell us your favorite games to share with friends and family in the comments below!

Want more recommendations? Check out our 2014 Thanksgiving Gaming List and our Independence Day List.

Find a Friendly Local Game Store near you to pick up a few of these titles!

The Village Crone Review Roundup!

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The Village Crone cover


Witches aren’t just for Halloween anymore! Find out why YOU should be playing The Village Crone through recommendations from gamers like you in this Review Roundup for our newest game (released September 30).

Dave Banks at Geek Dad flatters us with his comments on the components and gameplay quality, “I really appreciate Fireside’s devotion to quality, both in gameplay and components. Everything looks and feels top-notch, making for a great gaming experience… …I think Fireside is great at coming up with little twists that affect gameplay positively…”

“The game is easy to learn and play, but offers enough depth to keep players interested,” according to Mike N. over at Nerds of a Feather in his recap of the best games at GenCon.

Caylie Sadin from Nerdy But Flirty fell in love with The Village Crone when she first saw it at GenCon 2015, “The game is really fun to play, the art is beautiful, and the theme is awesome.”

She really likes the thematic use of spell-casting in this one: “One of the mechanics that makes the game super enjoyable is that every time you cast a spell, you have to say the incantation too. It helps players get into the spirit of the game.”

You can check out Caylie’s interview with Anne-Marie De Witt, the designer of The Village Crone, over on the Nerdy but Flirty website.

The Domestic Geek echoes Nerdy but Flirty with her praise, “I can’t get enough of this game.” You can watch Brittany’s Unboxing Video and her Video Review over on her blog or YouTube channel.

village-crone-theology-of-gaming-quoteJeremiah from Theology of Gaming enjoys the thinking aspects of the game:

“The interaction is great, the board is constantly shifting, and there’s a lot of guessing who’s doing what and trying to block them, or at least trying to stop other players from moving the pieces you need out of the ares in which you need them. You’re right, it is very much puzzle-like. And I like that a lot!”

The praise for this game is summed up nicely by Ryan Morgenegg over at Deseret News, “The Village Crone has a great theme and beautiful components.”

There you have it, folks! The Village Crone is a worker placement, resource management game with a puzzle-like quality and continually shifting landscape. Learn more about The Village Crone on our information page and pick up a copy at your Friendly Local Game Store today!

Catch Cat Fever with Here Kitty Kitty – Coming Spring 2016

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Here, Kitty, Kitty! logo


It is National Cat Day, and Fireside Games is pleased to take this opportunity to announce Here, Kitty, Kitty!, a new game that will be releasing in Spring 2016.

In this crazy cat-collecting game your neighborhood has a cat problem. The problem is they don’t all belong to YOU! Everyone in the neighborhood wants to claim those adorable kitties for themselves.

Outwit your fellow feline fiends as you lure cats onto your property, move cats into your house, and steal cats from your neighbors. All is fair in love and cat-collecting!

Here, Kitty, Kitty! will include 40 covetable cat miniatures. You will have a hard time picking a favorite! The game retails for $24.95, accommodates 3-6 players, and plays in approximately 30 minutes.

Designed by Kris McCardel Ware, a self-proclaimed “crazy cat lady,” this game is full of thematic jokes and cat puns. There are no blenders or explosions in this game, but if you use your “Catlike Reflexes” and avoid “Stray Dogs” and “Hairballs,” you might just “Land on Your Feet!”

Get ready for some feline fever this coming Spring with Here, Kitty, Kitty!


Treefort Games – Fayetteville, GA

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Treefort Games logo

treefort-games-logoWe were recently in the ATL for a distribution show and took a night out to visit Treefort Games in Fayetteville, GA.

It was a cool, calm Friday night when we pulled in to the parking lot at dusk. We got set up just in time for a group of curious players to walk up and take their seats at The Village Crone. Maureen explained the game to this crop of young witches and away they went, casting spells left and right and scattering Familiars all over the village! It was a really tight game with the last round being the true test. One misspoken spell was caught and the potential winner was left a few points shy of victory.


Meanwhile Kris was introducing a few players to the joys of backstabbing in Munchkin Panic. They embraced the spirit of the game and there were several uneasy alliances kept on the sly throughout the game. They managed to finish with 4 towers still standing! Excellent use of the bare minimum cooperation required in that game.


The second play through of The Village Crone had some veteran gamers who immersed themselves in the strategy and quickly racked up their points, choosing their schemes carefully to maximize their efforts. There were lots of laughs and plenty of thwarting of other player’s plans. After that they played Bears! and chatted about board games and themes and enjoyed their night at the table.


Kris guided a team of players through the perils of the zombie apocalypse in Dead Panic. They were having such a blast, and then one of them became a zombie. It was a test of friendship when the final two characters took a stand to fight off the horde and escape to the van together.

We enjoyed teaching so many players to play our games and getting to chat with the owner, John. He has created a great space for his local gamers and the community they have formed was warm and welcoming. Everyone seemed to know each other and inquired about family members and checked in on life.


It was really inspiring to see how the younger players look up to John and how everyone encouraged each other to be themselves and pursue their diverse interests. We feel fortunate to have gotten to be part of their world for an evening and encourage you to stop by Treefort Games if you find yourself in the Atlanta area.

Game For The Cause – Charity Convention This Weekend

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Game for the Cause logo


Game for the Cause is an Austin, TX based gaming convention that donates ALL of its proceeds to SafePlace, an organization that works to end domestic violence. Fireside Games is proud to support this fantastic group of people in their mission. The Austin chapter is having their annual convention this weekend and we encourage you to attend, play some games, and help support a worthy cause.

safe-placeWho: Austin chapter of Game for the Cause
What: $20 at the door get you access to open boardgaming, silent auction, and gaming events where all money raised goes directly to SafePlace
When: October 16, 5pm–midnight and October 17th, 9am–midnight
Where: Parker Lane UMC, 2105 Parker Lane, Austin, TX 78741
Why: Have a good time playing games while raising awareness and funds for SafePlace which strives to end sexual and domestic violence.
Website: http://gameforthecause.com/

We are so grateful the gaming community at large is such a caring group of people who regularly use their shared love of games to raise awareness for social causes and help support their communities through charity events like this. However you choose to give back, we thank you! Stay Awesome and Game On!

Crossroad Games & Diversions Fall Under the Spell

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Playing The Village Crone at Crossroad Diversions

Well, that was a whirlwind tour! Thirteen stops in 25 days across 6 states! No wonder we’re tired.

crossroad-games-logoThe leaves are changing colors and there is a distinct chill in the air. It must be the approach of autumn and the time of Witches. It’s also the 12th stop on our Something Wicked Tour as we visit Crossroad Games in Standish, Maine!


This was a quick visit on our tour as we setup The Village Crone and spent some time chatting with Lacey and Chuck about the game business while waiting for some players to finish up another game.


Pretty soon it was game on and our players wasted no time in getting down to the business of scoring schemes. Familiars were flying and Villagers were changing to frogs and back into humans faster than you could say “Eye of Newt”!


The next game was just as fun, with the Forge filling up with frogs and some quick scoring at the end that took everyone by surprise.

We stuck around to sign some games and visit with fans, then it was time to hit the road.

diversions-logoIt was a dark and stormy night… The 13th store visit on the 13th of October. Coincidence? We think not! But we couldn’t think of a better way to wrap up our Something Wicked Tour here in New England!

We made our way to Diversions Puzzles & Games in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and met up with the Events Coordinator, Ian, who let us have our pick of tables in their very cool play space downstairs.


Diversions is another one of those “Tardis-esque” game stores that has a really small front window, but once you get inside it just keeps going to reveal a massive amount of clean, open space filled with well-organized games, clearly displayed and more puzzles than we’ve ever seen in one spot. The downstairs play space is really big and made for a really great place to run our last demos of the tour.

Something_Wicked_Diversions_Game_NightWe had barely set up the game when the first group gathered around and before you could say “Broomstick” we had a 6-player game up and running. As more gamers flocked to see what was happening it became clear we needed to spread the fun, so we set up a second game and ran another group through that.


Once the first game ended we had just enough time to catch our breath and take some photos before we got our third group started. This turned into a huge battle with players getting caught in a defensive battle of trying to use Protection to stop the other players from completing their schemes. It may seem like it works on paper, but it’s a losing strategy and sure enough, both players ran out of ingredients and couldn’t recover. But minutes after finishing the game, there was nothing but discussion of new strategies and “next time” plans being made.

We’ve had a lot of fun crisscrossing New England, catching some of spooky sights, playing games with so many people, and getting to see more of the Friendly Local Game Stores that keep board gaming accessible and fun. Thanks for joining us on our journey. We hope you’ve had fun following along. Now make sure you pick up your own copy of The Village Crone and bring fun home!

Hunting Monsters and Visiting Graveyards – Spooky Schemes Scored!

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Our weary travelers have to score two more points as they wind down the Something Wicked Tour. Can they do it? Read on and find out…

1 POINT: Search for the Unexplainable – (Lake Champlain, VT) COMPLETED
The legends of a mysterious creature that lives in Lake Champlain go back centuries. The native Americans had their stories and colonial settlers had sightings that have continued up until just a few years ago.

I FOUND CHAMP! I FOUND CHA . . . Oh wait. Nevermind.

Okay, so we “found” Champ on the edge of Lake Champlain. This monster hunting stuff is easy!

“Champ” as the beast is called, has been a mystery for years, but not anymore. We found him! Watch the video to see our brave adventure as we go for our twelfth Witches Scheme on our Something Wicked Tour. Continue reading Hunting Monsters and Visiting Graveyards – Spooky Schemes Scored!